Check carefully the email headers, the email date in the headers was 31st March, making this 1st April.
Yep, sadly it’s all an April Fool hoax. But I’m betting that at some point an AI system is going to fail and send a wrong email.
I hope you enjoyed the little bit of fun, Tweet this to let me know…
Intriguing email marketing AI failure thx @tawatson (Click to Tweet)
The inbox screenshot was in fact real enough, emails sent by Starbucks on the 3rd March. However, the X-Key insertion ‘X-AI-Sherlock: AutoGen:Critical_5’ and change of sending date to 31st March was all the work of Photoshop. I have no reason to believe the send error or Oops was anything but the work of humans.
What you think? Can your colleagues be fooled? Click to Tweet.