Which Subject Lines Work Best?

Subject Line QuestionsBecause its human nature to try to answer questions, using a question in the subject line of an email is a great way to engage and hook your reader, so increasing your open rate.

However, just asking any question is not enough to increase your email open rate. It needs to be the right type of question, one that intrigues the reader enough to open, with the expectation of finding the answer.

With the help of a selection of strong performing real subject lines I’m going to give you some principles to creating questions that intrigue and motivate readers to open your email. [continue reading…]

Subject Line Offer Split Test with 39% Uplift

Split testing offersIt’s easy to think that all you need to do is put a good offer in the subject line and bingo you’ll get the best open rate.

But could how you talk about the offer make a difference? [continue reading…]

Subject line boost clicks 228% for Money Dashboard

A/B Subject line split test resultsEven better the clicks uplift was for an inactive segment and the winning subject line was itself being pitted, in an A/B split test, against a previously strong performer. So this was not a easy win against a poor subject line. [continue reading…]

Results and Lessons from 9 Subject Line split tests

A/B subject line split testsAt the recent Email Insider summit the consensus was the number one element to split test in your emails is the subject line. So I’ve rounded up 9 subject line split tests.

For each of the nine tests you’ll find the subject lines tested, the results & winner and what you can learn for your campaigns. [continue reading…]

Are your Email Subject Lines framing correctly?

BrownEnvelopeLast week I ran a live psychologically experiment with the audience at On The Edge Digital in Bristol. The results revealed an important trait of the human mind.

Brown envelopes were handed out to members of the 100+ strong audience. They were asked to open their envelope, read the two questions inside and without conferring answer them. I asked that they made their best guess should they not know the exact answer.

[continue reading…]

A Key Email Split Test Plan Ingredient

A great example of an email split test, 300 subject lines suggested by readers of Marketing Experiments, reduced down to ten and a split tested.

The email split test results table taken from the original post is below but before you check out the original post read on here for a quick lesson in split testing strategy not mentioned in the original post and rarely talked about. [continue reading…]

5 email marketing myths you need to stop believing

FactMythThere are plenty of email marketing myths circulating around the internet that are presented as best practice fact. I’ll be surprised if you aren’t shocked by at least one of these myths [continue reading…]

Lessons from Obama Frankenstein email testing

Frankenstein email split testing$500 million is a big sum by anyone’s measure. Now imagine using email to deliver most of that money in just 18 months. Toby Fallsgraff and his team raised a sum not far off that amount for the Obama campaign last year. In fact, the digital department on the Obama campaign accounted for the bulk of the election funds raised from donors.

The strategy behind this incredible success involved [continue reading…]

7 email subject line myths exploded

boom-hiIts no wonder that there’s lots of subject line advice around as subject lines really are so important to an email. In testing I’ve found the right subject line can double click rates, though more typically the uplift is a still welcome 25%.

The amount of subject line talk has meant many things are passed off as best practice but in fact are poor advice [continue reading…]